בינתיים המחקר הסטטיסטי (שראיתי במעלה הפתיל כאן שגם ewilde נתן לינק אליו) עודכן ומספרי ההרוגים, נכון ל-23/6/02 הם: פל.- 1473; מתוכם לא-לוחמים- 579 יש.- 561; מתוכם לא-לוחמים- 433 לגבי השאלה שלך- המחקר מסביר בדיוק איך נעשה הסיווג: · Non-Combatant A non-combatant is an innocent bystander – a person whose death or injury has no justification other than nationality or ethnicity.· שים לב ש:Health Related A “health related” fatality is someone who died from a cause only indirectly related to violence – for example, due to a heart attack following an incident, tear-gas inhalation, or a roadblock delay that prevented an ilperson from receiving medical treatment in a timely manner.· Probable Combatant A “probable combatant” is someone killed at a location and at a time during which an armed confrontation was going on. For example, in many cases where an incident has resulted in a large number of Palestinian casualties, the only information available is that an individual was killed when Israeli soldiers returned fire in response to shots fired from a particular location. While it is possible that the person killed was not active in the fighting and just happened to be in the vicinity of people who were, it is reasonable to assume that the number of such coincidental deaths is not particularly high. Where the accounts of an incident appear to support such a coincidence, the individual casualty has been given the benefit of the doubt, and assigned a non-combatant status. The status of “probable combatant” has also been assigned to people who knowingly took some action which would lead to increased danger, such as entering an area in which fighting was going on or which security officials had declared off-limits. · Uniformed Non-Combatant A “uniformed non-combatant” is a non-civilian, but is not actively involved in the conflict. This category can include civil police as well as soldiers in uniform but not at their post.· Violent Protester A “violent protester” may be a civilian, but has chosen to take an active and violent part in the conflict – such as rioting or vigilante activity. · Protestor Unkown A “protestor unknown” is anyone who was killed during a protest, for whom information as to violent behavior is unavailable.· Full Combatant A “full combatant” is a soldier on active duty, an active member of a terrorist group, or a civilian independently choosing to perpetrate an armed attack on the opposing side. In general, rock-throwers are not considered to be combatants; an exception to this generalization would be, for example, someone dropping large rocks from a bridge onto fast-moving traffic. A rioter throwing "Molotov cocktails", grenades, or the like can be considered a full combatant. Mere possession of a weapon does not imply combatant status. A civilian driving with a weapon in his/her car, or a pedestrian with a holstered pistol, is normally considered a noncombatant. However, a civilian who encounters a terror attack in progress and draws his/her weapon in an attempt to stop or prevent the attack is a combatant once the weapon is out of its holster. · Suspected Collaborator This is a special category for Palestinian or Israeli Arabs targeted by militants who suspect them of aiding Israel .· Unknown In a large number of cases, the information at hand has been insufficient to decide the circumstances of death for a given Palestinian casualty. As the project continues and additional information is accumulated, we believe that the number of “unknowns” will steadily decrease. When we divide fatalities into the broader categories of “Combatant” and “Noncombatant”, only “Full Combatants”, “Probable Combatants”, and “Violent Protestors” are counted as combatants. All others, including “Unknowns”, are considered to be noncombatants. במקרים של ספק לגבי נסיבות המוות הם סיווגו את ההרוג כ"לא-לוחם". מיידי אבנים לא סווגו כ"לוחמים". מס' הפל' שנהרגו בפעולות של עצמם- פיגועי התאבדות, תאונות עבודה, הריגת משת"פים, לחימה פנים פל' הוא כ-185 . |
הפער ברור ולא מפתיע.הפלשתינאים עוסקים בטרור. מה שמפתיע ומעורר שאלה אמיתית, זה כיצד הצליח צה"ל, להגיע להישג המרשים של הריגת מספר כה רב של מי שמוגדרים לא לוחמים. ארבעים אחוז! (39.3% ליתר דיוק) וזאת עם הנשק המדויק,התצפיתנים,רמת החיילים והמפקדים,ומעל לכל הצבא המוסרי בעולם שאינו רוצה לפגוע באזרחים. על כל שישה פלשתינאים שנהרגים בשל לחימה/טרור בישראל,נהרגים עוד ארבעה פלשתינאים שהם מה? ילדים,נשים, זקנים,עוברי אורח ליד מכוניתו המתפוצצת של ראש הג'יהאד וכו'. ובמספרים מוחלטים, הרג צה"ל יותר פלשתינאים לא לוחמים-579, מאשר כל הישראלים (לוחמים ולא לוחמים) שהרגו הפלשתינאים-561. |
מדהים. הלוחמים הפלסטינים פועלים בתוך אזורים מיושבים, כשהם משתמשים באזרחים כמגן אנושי. ממש מפתיע שלא-לוחמים רבים נפגעים. ממש. |
שים לב לזה: When we divide fatalities into the broader categories of “Combatant” and “Noncombatant”, only “Full Combatants”, “Probable Combatants”, and “Violent Protestors” are counted as combatants. All others, including “Unknowns”, are considered to be noncombatants. כלומר- במספר ה"לא לוחמים" נכללו כל אלה שנסיבות מותם לא ידועות.
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