I feel that the Ayal community has had a very strong and long-lasting influence on my life; far more then any other community, including "Non-Virtual" ones. That is way I decided to publish this article here, and not anywhere else on the Hebrew-speaking net, although there are other sites that I hold dear, and attend on a regular basis. Also, I can say that the last couple of weeks, in which I had refrained from writing as much as I used to on Haayal, and in which I saw a terrible simplification and banalization in arguments of some of the regular commentators and article writers which I consider to be articulate and intelligent, has greatly distressed me, and had contributed to my general feeling of despair that drove me to write this article. Also, this community has helped me to create the initial connections which will help me in my attempt to rebuild my life from scratch. So, as you can see, the virtual is in complete Synergy with the "real", and it has become hard to say which is more important. (Baudrillard would not have been pleased with this statement...)