1. "...The Jews tried to kill Muhammad many times, with poison and with magic, and by throwing stones at him, and by all types of assassinations. He warned us about the Jews, and about the cunning of the Jews...He told us about the character of the Jew, in the book of Allah and in the Traditions of the Prophet, so that we would beware of them at every moment. And we know how to deal with the Jews. ...Say to those who believe not!the Jews!say to those who believe not, act according to your power, for we too are acting! And wait! For we too, shall wait.' Wait for your graves! Wait for the final battle! ... .O Jews!.We will act to restore our rights! .You are usurpers! Your arrogance will end one of these days! . . '[The Jew's] aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. Allah does not love such mischief.' [The Jews] destroyed everything: the crops, the seeds, and the birds, to the point that the environment itself is oppressed by the Jew! . Allah, deal harshly with the Jews and those who aid them. Allah, destroy them through their own stratagems!. Allah, render us victorious over the Jews and those who support them!."
[PA TV, Sermon televised from protest tent in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2002]