בתשובה להאלמוני המזוהה, 02/01/11 23:31
פטריוטיזם 560672
לורנס קורב, לשעבר עוזרו של שר ההגנה וויינברגר ומי שהיה מצוי מאוד בפרטי הפרשה, טוען שזה לא נכון.
"nformation that Pollard gave to Israel did not make its way to the USSR. Instead, the information that the Soviets received during the 18 months Pollard was spying for Israel most likely came from Ames and Robert Hanssen, a onetime FBI agent who spied for the USSR and Russia from 1979 to 2001.

R. James Woolsey, the CIA director from 1993 to 1995, stated after examining the Pollard case file that none of Pollard's information went to the Soviet Union
And in a 2004 interview, Weinberger himself admitted that in retrospect, the Pollard matter was comparatively minor."


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