בתשובה לErgil, 28/11/01 18:02
לא קשה 45130
(סליחה שאני נדחף שוב)

מתוך http://www.m-w.com

Main Entry: an·ec·dote
Pronunciation: 'a-nik-"dOt
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural anecdotes also an·ec·dota /"a-nik-'dO-t&/
Etymology: French, from Greek anekdota unpublished items, from neuter plural of anekdotos unpublished, from a- + ekdidonai to publish, from ex out + didonai to give – more at EX-, DATE
Date: circa 1721
: a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident

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