לא בדיוק 'תעמולת הרשות הפלסטינית'. יאסר עראפת עצמו כתב לביל קלינטון במכתב רשמי:
The Palestine National Council's resolution, in accordance with Article 33 of the Covenant, is a comprehensive amendment of the Covenant. All of the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the P.L.O. commitment to recognize and live in peace side by side with Israel are no longer in effect.
As a result, Articles 6-10, 15, 19-23, and 30 have been nullified, and the parts in Articles 1-5, 11-14, 16-18, 25-27 and 29 that are inconsistent with the above mentioned commitments have also been nullified
וב-1998, במסגרת 'הסכם ויי', קיבלת המכתב הזה משנה תוקף:
The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Central Council will reaffirm the letter of 22 January 1998 from PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to President Clinton concerning the nullification of the Palestinian National Charter provisions that are inconsistent with the letters exchanged between the PLO and the Government of Israel on 9–10 September 1993. PLO Chairman Arafat, the Speaker of the Palestine National Council, and the Speaker of the Palestinian Council will invite the members of the PNC, as well as the members of the Central Council, the Council, and the Palestinian Heads of Ministries to a meeting to be addressed by President Clinton to reaffirm their support for the peace process and the aforementioned decisions of the Executive Committee and the Central Council.
ובאופן מעניין, ממשלת ישראל, בראשות הליכוד וביבי נתניהו, קיבלה את הטיעון הזה:
Israel was pleased to note that at a meeting in Gaza on 14 December 1998, the PNC adopted a resolution amending the PLO charter, as required by its outstanding obligations from: the exchange of letters between Chairman Arafat and Prime Minister Rabin dated September 1993, the exchange of letters attached to the Gaza-Jericho Agreement of May 1994, the Interim Agreement of September 1995 and the Note for the Record attached to the Hebron Protocol of January 1997.
אז נכון שיש דוברים - הן פלסטינים והן ישראלים - שטוענים שהאמנה בצורתה המקורית עדיין תקפה. אבל כפי שניתן לראות מציטוטים אלה, לפי עמדת הנהגת פתח, ממשלת ישראל והאמריקנים הסעיפים המדוברים כבר אינם תקפים.