טוב. לא הצלחתי ציטוט פיקסל על גבי לבן שאומר "אונס של גברים זה יותר גרוע משל נשים", אבל יש כמה מקורות:
Much has been written about the psychological trauma associated with the rape of female victims. While less research has been conducted about male rape victims, case research suggests that males also commonly experience many of the reactions that females experience. These reactions include: depression, anger, guilt, self-blame, sexual dysfunctions, flashbacks, and suicidal feelings (Isley, 1991). Other problems facing males include an increased sense of vulnerability, damaged self-image and emotional distancing (Mezey & King, 1989). Male rape victims not only have to confront unsympathetic attitudes if they choose to press charges, they also often hear unsupportive statements from their friends, family and acquaintances (Brochman, 1991).
Gang rape is more common in cases involving male victims than those involving female victims. Also, multiple sexual acts are more likely to be demanded, weapons are more likely to be displayed and used, and physical injury is more likely to occur, with the injuries that do occur being more serious than with injured female rape victims (Porter, 1986).
חוץ מזה, אני ממש ממליץ על מה שסטפן דונלדסון מ"Stop Prisoner Rape" הספיק לכתוב, למרות שלא הייתי ממשיך להמליץ עליו אם אתה קטין, חולה לב, או אישה בהריון. השילוב שלו של נסיון מיד ראשונה עם תובנות סוציולוגיות מופשטות הוא די חזק.