מזל שאתה מסתתר תחת אלמוניות הנה כמה ציטוטים מהקישור שאתה הבאת: שורשיה של המפלגה במאה ה19:
the party is a direct descendant of the German national liberal camp, which dates back to the 1848 revolution
מיקומה במפה הפוליטית האוסטרית כ"דרך השלישית" והשת"פ עם הסוציאליסטים:
In the Austrian political landscape, the FPÖ was from its foundation a third party with only modest support until it entered into government together with the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) in the mid-1980s.
הפניה לימין בתקופת היידר:
When Jörg Haider was chosen as new FPÖ party leader in 1986, the party started a political and ideological journey which was described by observers as representing a turn towards right-wing populism
פרישת היידר ב2005 והקמת ה BZO:
increasing internal disagreements in the FPÖ led Haider and many leading party members (including the FPÖ part of the government) to defect from the party in 2005. They formed a new party, the Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ)
ולבסוף, האידיאולוגיה של המפלגה לאחר עזיבת היידר (ליברליזם ו"ממשלה קטנה"):
Under the leadership of Heinz-Christian Strache, the FPÖ has focused on describing itself as a Heimat and social party. This means that the party promotes its role as a guarantor of Austrian identity and social welfare. Economically, it supports regulated liberalism with privatisation and low taxes, combined with support for the welfare state; however, it maintains that it will be impossible to uphold the welfare state if current immigration policies are continued