2. אתה בטוח? ידעת שפייסל חוסייני, בראיון האחרון שנתן (כמה ימים לפני מותו) אמר שההסכמים עם ישראל הם "סוס טרויאני" (ביטוי שלו), ושהמטרה הסופית של הפלסטינים היא פלסטין מהנהר ועד הים? הנה תשובתו לשאלה על המטרה האסטרטגית של הפלסטינים:
If you are asking me as a Pan-Arab nationalist what are the Palestinian borders according to the higher strategy, I will immediately reply: "From the river to the sea." Palestine in its entirety is an Arab land, the land of the Arab nation, a land no one can sell or buy, and it is impossible to remain silent while someone is stealing it, even if this requires time and even [if it means paying] a high price."
"If you are asking me, as a man who belongs to the Islamic faith, my answer is also "From the river to the sea," the entire land is an Islamic Waqf which can not be bought or sold, and it is impossible to remain silent while someone is stealing it …"
"If you are asking me as an ordinary Palestinian, from the "inside" or from the Diaspora, you will get the same answer and without any hesitations. However, what I am able to achieve and live on right now, due to [constraints of] the international system, is not, of course, Palestine "From the river to the sea." In order for us to fulfill all of our dreams regarding Palestine, we must, first of all, wake up and realize where we are standing. On the other hand, if we will continue to behave as if we are still dreaming, we will not find a place to put our feet on..."
"As I once said in the past: our eyes must continue to focus on the higher goal. The real danger is that I might forget [it], and while advancing towards my short-term goal I might turn my back on my long-term goal, which is the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea…"
הראיון היה ב24 ליוני 2001, לעיתון המצרי "אל ערבי". ואת הטקסט המלא תמצא באתר "ממרי".
8. הלינק למוסיקה שלך כל כך נסתר, שלא מצאתי אותו. איפה הוא?