בקריאה שניה: ביקורת על הדו"ח הנ"ל בטענ"ה שהוא בגדר "לחימה בסטטיסטיקה עם סטטיסטיקה:
http://techdirt.com/articles/20100427/1646069201.sht...So I have to admit that it's absolutely hilarious to see Patrick Ross, the head of "The Copyright Alliance" (one of a bunch of lobbying/marketing groups representing the entertainment industry) lash out at this new report, making arguments that apply equally to the $1.52 trillion number he's famous for touting every chance he gets: > "It is not helpful to policymakers or the public to > pronounce sweeping arguments that defy logic," said > Alliance Executive Director Patrick Ross. "In its report, > CCIA identifies broad industries, suggests some entities in > those industries occasionally engage in what some might > call fair use, and then lumps all revenues and jobs in > those industries into a newly coined "fair use" industry..."