Well it’s interesting to see that the Israeli media and education system can achieve anything at all, if only the installation of a fierce anti-Arab in the average Israeli. Almost everywhere in the world the so-called “conflict” in the Middle East is treated with the complexity that it deserves. But in the lonely democracy in the Middle East, surrounded by oceans of barbarianism, the “masses” adopt the uncivilized-Arab-theory against which they become the pore good. The other major theory that operates this way is fundamentalist religion. Does someone see the religion in the dogma? Consider, lost in a sea of comments, almost none about collective responsibly. None reflect on the lives of Lebanese. Humans are reduced with the typing of the Hebrew language to animals, although the sounds coming from the screen resemble more and more a zoo. “we should fight like this” “no, we should fight like that”, conflict expert argue, and I wonder if Israelis can exist only to the degree to which they can fight wars. Reductionism, the binary system at its best. Good vs. evil, civilization vs. barbarianism, progress vs. withdraw, white vs. black, it’s all been done before. The song has been whistle in countries that Israel would deny having ties with. When it comes to history the people’s republic of Israel suffers from amnesia.
Headlines “Prime Minister Olmart denounces the Lebanese for celebrating the release of man who murdered a four year old kid.” Indeed, Olmart is the one to preach morality. 1000 civilians killed, 160 Israelis. Generals and ministered who made careers out of wars and occupation, follow with their insight into the Arab mind. But then again, does political morality matters? Why not just ignore inconvenient contradictions? Foam at mouth, rinse, repeat. And you got the nerve to call other people names. As for killing kids, this is exactly what the Phalanges did, supported by Israeli weapons and money. You get what you call a “common ground”. I suppose Israelis were too busy stopping the invasion in 82, the massacres, the bombing, the weapons and money aid to the SLA, the torture, to notice the above. Something else, the conflict did not begin when your soldiers die. Furthermore, Israel’s interventions did not begin in ‘82 nether.
A question: Ron Arad was capture navigating an airplane to deliver bombs to a Lebanese city (PLO offices in the Israeli euphemism), Kuntar while killing two civilians. Who should be free first? A Second question: who would celebrate the liberation of an educated academic who would carry orders to rain a city with bombs? Once again Israel’s moral high ground has prevailed. Speaking of, I understand that your government refuse to deliver maps of mines and cluster bombs that has been deposit in the Lebanese land. Makes sense, more kids with stolen limbs and one might evolve from its animalistic nature. Better yet, might keep a mirror of a brutal enemy to which you can define yourselves.
So bury this, ignore for the sake of your own life meaning. Hide behind your collective consciousness where opposites collide, occupiers and war mongers are the victims, and murder only apply to the other. Retreat to your comfortable reductionism, good is good and Arabs are bad. Land some jokes, pass the stress to the other person. Prophets seldom has stooped the Armageddon ahead, consider me as one.
Here is some reductionism, shame on you.