ובכן, החומר המפותח הינו *מבוסס* על ציאניד, משהו בשם Para Cyano Nitrobenzene. יש כימאים בקהל שיכולים להוסיף משהו על תרכובת זו? ציטוט מכתבת ה-BBC:
PROFESSOR ALASTAIR HAY, ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS: The science seems to fit together. And in 1979 it was probably original, pioneering research. It doesn't seem to me it has been invented. Why go into this level of detail? Why run the risk of getting it wrong and being exposed? The chemical that was being made is one called Para Cyano Nitrobenzene. There is very little known about it and the description he gives of the effect it would have on individuals do fit so my feeling is it is probably correct.