It would be nice talking about Human rights as regard to the Arab Israelis but the truth is that many if not most of us feeling unease with the current situation and more important the future one.
Let’s stop being hypocrite.
If we could have the Arab Israelis disappear by some miraculous act then we all would be very happy about. That is the plain truth. Trouble is that we can not have the Arab disappear from all sorts of reasons that has ALL to do with practicalities.
As it seems to be, the situation as regarding to the Arab Israelis is irresolvable.
The demographic facts are to be work against us sooner or later (sooner I presume). 100 years and more from now we are sure to be flooded under a majority of Arab Israelis no matter what political arrangement will be here then with the outer Arab countries circles.
The demographic fact alone and the democratic nature of the Israeli state will bring the Arab Israeli majority onto controlling position and changing the Jewish natured stat soon after.
Nothing new here and all of us are very much aware of it.
The increase in religious feelings among the Arab Israelis is not helping either. The Muslim belief is intolerable to other religions and highly dominant by nature. The Israeli Muslims Palestinians will not tolerate a Jewish hegemony any more while they have become the majority here.
From those reasons and others it is highly probable that providing the Arab Israelis with more civil rights will not resolve theirs and our problem. It is not the added rights issue that banes the Arab Israelis integrated into our society, it is the fact that we are Jewish nations and they can not stand it, period. Sure, some small parts in the Arab Israeli society will accept Jewish hegemony here for a while (until their demographic majority will bring the change naturally) but let’s face it, more and more and larger parts in this society will be working against the Jewish natured state, no matter how open for them we may be.
So, then what?
Sure, we can give up our Jewish state identity, much like we used to live during the past 2000 years. Is that a viable option in our view? I do not think so.
Is a transfer of the “interfering” Arab Israeli population is a viable option? Yes, it is! Is it a practical option? No, it is not, from all sorts of reasons primarily an international opposition to such a step.
So, Then what?
The likely scenario is leading to the obvious future acts, a repeated “Separation” steps that will shrink the Jewish state to a minimal “Clean” of Arab area.
Remember the 48th UN division plan for Israel? That is likely to be the Israel of the future.
I am even afraid of thinking about the next step after this scenario has happen.
The question is remaining open if then (only for a while, we will face it sooner then later again)…. A separation from the Arabs by way of shrinking the Jewish state to the state of nil or encourage the Arab Israelis to leave (population exchange perhaps) and keeping our borders intact.
Either way the possible solutions are bringing more, sever stormy times for us.